18 HPX-V
Build & Price
The ultimate guide boat or three person technical poling skiff.
Designed for the angler who likes to throw the cast net almost as much as the fly rod, the new Mirage 18 HPX is the most versatile technical poling skiff ever developed.
Whether pushing into a stiff breeze chasing tailing permit, poling in an afternoon chop looking for migrating tarpon or chumming backcountry potholes with a livewell full of whitebait, this boat solidly delivers.
Stable yet responsive on the pole, the 18 HPX has the range and speed of larger engine packages without sacrificing draft.
No compromises.
No limits.
Incredible running performance with a Yamaha F115 and a 13 1/2 x 21 Pro Series prop.
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18 HPX-V Specifications

Pure White
Sardina Green
Haze Grey
Whisper Grey
Atlantic Blue
Bayside Blue
Deep Water Blue
Custom Colors & 2-Tone Options Also Available
Take a Closer Look at the 18 HPX-V
18 HPX-V Standard Features

18 HPX-V Optional Features

Get the Skinny from those who know…
“My very first Maverick 18 was purchased in the early 80’s from Dr. Lenny Berg, then the owner of the struggling business. When Scott Deal bought Maverick, nobody could have imagined what a major company and nautical force it would become. Deal went on to acquire Hewes, then created the ultimate bay boat Pathfinder, and also obtained the nationally popular Cobia line. The investment that started with a tiny warehouse on a dirt road by the train tracks grew into a leader in the boating industry. Over the decades, the 18 continued to evolve, always improving, from the original and vintage 18 Deluxe, with the baitwells on both points of the transom, to the more contained and incredible riding Master Angler, to the non-lap straked and ultra-quiet on the pole Hewes 18, (later the Maverick 18) and then to the present day 18 HPX, an enormously successful extension of the ultimate poling skiff, the Mirage 17. I fished in and made a living on all of them. The present-day Mirage 18 HPX is by far, without question, the most versatile skiff on the water today. Smaller and larger boats are a compromise; (ability to own 2 or 3 boats is optimal if you can) but with the 18, it is not necessary. You have the advantage of being able to stalk, at the highest level for the spookiest bonefish, tarpon, and permit found anywhere in the world. The 18 is deadly quiet and splashless at the bow in ANY quadrant or degree of chop. This unique design was just one of the improvements necessitated by our ever-changing fishery. You can effortlessly pole against the wind silently in situations where the existing angle of the sun or incoming fish requires it. Some interesting questions frequently arise here about the 18. Anglers will ask, “isn’t it too heavy, too long, draft too much water?” Here’s the cold, hard truth, and a polite warning to boat buyers thinking that the lightest, most expensive, and the trendiest ride is going to catch you more fish. Getting into scant inches of water where most fish are likely to be even more timid, is the unfortunate exchange to make for comfort and stability while getting there. The extra foot on the 18 actually makes the boat EASIER to pole than other 17 and even 16 models. This hull tracks true on the push, and if there is any crosswind, especially with some force, the lighter boats blow like a styrofoam cup, and require a double stroke, one for propulsion, and one for correction, twice as much work, all day long. The 18 stays on track, where you aim it. Another unexpected by-product of the stealthy hull design of the 18HPX is clearly visible while engaging in any kind of bait or artificial fishing, adrift, and certainly when anchored down. Even in choppy and busy water, the bow is cutting like a quiet knife, the same bow that slices down the waves while running. All fish are noticeably more comfortable around this serene presence, and that means more bites. Storage? Onboard is all safety equipment, 3 giant life vests, throw cushion, anchor, chain and rope, 3 cast nets, 10 rods, spotlights, enough tackle to open a bait shop, and a 65-quart Yeti. And a baitwell that is usually carrying 6-8 dozen shrimp, 20 crabs, and a dozen pinfish. Now, even after that, there is PLENTY of room in the compartments for the (always oversized) gear bags that anglers tote aboard. The Mirage 18 HPX really can do it all.”
Capt. Mark Krowka, Islamorada, FL
“I’m on my sixth Maverick now and there’s no other brand out there that I would feel better about my clients in day after day, no matter the conditions or the weather. The boats are simply bulletproof and do exactly what they are supposed to do. You can’t put a price tag on that level of confidence on the water, whether you’re a guide or a serious angler.”
Capt. Willy Le, Coco Beach, FL
“Over the years I’ve fished about every skiff out there, and the 18HPX is the most versatile skiff I can find. Every time I run this boat I’m impressed by the smooth, dry ride with speed and range like no other boat in its class. That and the ability to pole in 8” of water with virtually no hull slap makes the 18HPX the perfect skiff for my purposes. It’s obvious this skiff was designed by people who fish.”
Capt. Peter Brown, Charleston, SC